Concerned citizens of Fairfax County rally together to address a critical concern – the future of Lake Accotink. As stewards of our shared natural heritage, we unite to advocate for immediate action to safeguard the lake and its surrounding ecosystem.

The destiny of Lake Accotink rests not only with the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors but with each concerned citizen. Save Lake Accotink implores you to join the movement and drive swift action. Lake Accotink’s fate hangs in the balance without a concrete plan for preservation. While the Lake Accotink Task Force diligently completed its findings by presenting the report to the Board of Supervisors (BOS), the Board, in turn, referred the report to the County’s Environmental Committee. urgently calls upon the BOS to allocate funding for a scalable dredging project immediately. This is crucial to safeguard, at the very least, the current footprint and enhance the sediment trapping capacity while a comprehensive long-term plan is developed.

Act Now – Time is of the Essence!

Former Braddock District Supervisor and Task Force member John Cook, speaking for the majority of the Task Force, delivered a compelling message to the BOS on December 12, stressing the need for immediate action: “You need to make a decision now…because time is not on our side. Preserving [the Lake] is an absolute essential.”

The Task Force’s report carefully examines issues raised by County staff – their reasons behind the No Dredge recommendation – revealing flaws in earlier studies, including unreliable data, incorrect cost estimates, and erroneous assumptions about dewatering and transportation options. Importantly, the report highlights that the cost of dredging could be up to 70% less than originally estimated and that the dredging maintenance cycle could be extended beyond five years, thus reducing the long-term costs.

Understanding the Value of Lake Accotink

The report offers a comprehensive understanding of the Lake’s value – a critical ingredient that County staff overlooked when recommending abandoning the dredge earlier this year – incorporating socioeconomic, recreational, and environmental factors. Contrary to earlier endorsements, it emphasized Lake Accotink’s unique access to open water, particularly to underserved communities, families, individuals, and those with mobility impairments – a key alignment with the One Fairfax Policy.

The report was not intended to provide a compulsory path forward. Rather, Task Force findings serve as a guide to areas needing critical study and avoiding past failures. The Board of Supervisors and the Environmental Committee must now act swiftly and decisively. Taking urgent action is crucial to prevent the degradation of this irreplaceable County resource.

Protect Lake Accotink – Act Now!

Lake Accotink faces an imminent risk of further neglect, leading to increased siltation and transforming into an unmanageable wetland. This is not a fate we can accept. Don’t be fooled; Lake Accotink’s scale and Watershed characteristics cannot be converted to another Huntly Meadows, despite what some may try to convince the community. We must act now to protect the Lake for future generations.

The fight to keep the Lake in Lake Accotink Park is ongoing! We implore you to act by contacting Chairman McKay and each District Supervisor. Let them know why Lake Accotink matters to you. Please give them a sense of urgency and take immediate measures. Find sample letters and contact information for the BOS on

For detailed insights into the Task Force Findings Report, visit the Fairfax County website at Lake Accotink Task Force.

Your voice matters. Act now to Save Lake Accotink!